What is Medicare?
We're here to help you understand Medicare.
Understanding Medicare and the parts that go with it might seem like a lot of information at first. But all it takes is a little research to understand how to get the most out of it. It’s worth the time, because Medicare offers excellent health coverage you can customize to fit your health needs and your budget.
Medicare is an insurance program that covers your health care and helps you save money. Trust Simply Healthcare to help you get the most out of Medicare.
What is Medicare and who can get it in Florida?
Medicare is a health insurance program from the federal government, for people 65 or older and for some younger individuals with disabilities or health conditions.
Even if you still have employer health benefits at age 65, enrolling in Medicare to replace or enhance your current insurance has many advantages. Take a quick moment to learn the basics. The more you know, the easier it is.
Medicare — it’s simple as Part A, B, C and D
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) offers Original Medicare, also known as Medicare Part A and Part B. However, many people find they need more coverage than what Original Medicare provides. For example, you might want dental, vision and hearing insurance, as well as prescription drug coverage. This is where Medicare Part C and Part D come in.
After you enroll in Original Medicare Part A and B, you can sign up for Part C that includes Part D coverage with Simply Healthcare. CMS does not offer Medicare Part C or Medicare Part D plans.
If you’re just turning 65, Simply can help you learn more about applying for Medicare in Florida, including when and how to enroll.
What is Original Medicare Part A?
Medicare Part A covers hospital stays and at-home care. Part A is important in case you have an unexpected injury or sudden illness that requires inpatient care.
What is Original Medicare Part B?
Medicare Part B includes doctor visits, medical tests, X-rays, medical supplies and long-term preventive care. Part B is your coverage for health care visits that help you stay healthy.
What is Medicare Part C (also known as Medicare Advantage)?
Medicare Part C (also called Medicare Advantage Plans) is an all-in-one plan that combines Part A, B and usually Part D to give you more health care options. Simply Healthcare Medicare Advantage plans include coverage for prescription drugs, dental, vision and hearing aids, and also have benefits such as fitness programs, transportation and more.
What is Medicare Part D?
Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs, something Part A and Part B do not cover. Part D is important if you have regular medications for conditions such as high blood pressure.
All of Simply Healthcare’s Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage (Part D). Find and compare them to see which one is the best fit for you.
There are also Special Needs Plans (SNPs) available if you need more help affording Medicare.
Shop Medicare PlansNon-Discrimination Notice: The plan documents may be available in other languages. Or, if you have special needs, the documents may be available in other formats. Please call Customer Service for details. Please review the Notice of Non-Discrimination in Health Programs and Activities (234 KB).
Benefits, premiums, copays and plans may vary by county. Medicare Advantage plans may not be available in all countries. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information.
Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. is a Medicare-contracted coordinated care plan that has a Medicaid contract with the State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration to provide benefits or arrange for benefits to be provided to enrollees. Enrollment in Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. depends on contract renewal.