Be ready be healthy
Your health and well-being are important to us. We want you to have the resources you need, especially before or during an emergency.
We're here for you with important information
- Find help getting food, housing and more with the Florida Community support page
- Get updates at www.floridadisaster.org.
- Read about ways to get care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Get your member ID Card
- Find a Doctor
- Find a pharmacy from Rx Open — the website that will help you find open pharmacies in areas impacted by disaster
- Learn more about renewing your health plan benefits
- Access your personal health record through WebMD
We’re just a call away
Be ready by storing these numbers in your phone so you can reach us.
- Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) - 1-844-406-2396 (TTY 711)
- Florida Healthy Kids (FHK) - 1-844-405-4298 (TTY 711)
- Long Term Care (LTC) - 1-877-440-3738 (TTY 711)
- Florida Medicaid members: 1-833-214-3607 (TTY 711)
- Florida Healthy Kids (FHK) members: 1-833-267-3110 (TTY 711)
- SMMC - 1-844-406-2396 (TTY 711)
- Florida Healthy Kids (FHK) - 1-844-405-4298 (TTY 711)
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH - 1-844-375-7215
- Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) - 1-844-406-2396 (TTY 711) or call your case manager directly
- Long Term Care (LTC) - 1-877-440-3738 (TTY 711) or call your case manager directly
- Florida Healthy Kids (FHK) - 1-844-405-4298 (TTY 711) or call your case manager directly
Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) members
- MMA members in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties - 1-844-628-0388
- MMA members in all other counties - 1-866-372-9794
Long Term Care members
- LTC members in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties - 1-844-671-6662
- LTC members in all other counties - 1-877-931-4753
Get help near you
You can:
- Find help getting food, housing and more with the Florida Community support page
- Get a ride to your health care visits and other places by calling the Transportation line in your county listed under Resources.
- Learn simple tips on how to prepare you and your family from Ready.gov
- Get updates at www.floridadisaster.org.
Get your medication
Find a pharmacy that’s open near you. RX Open
Because of the state of emergency:- You may be able to refill your prescription now, even if you’re not due for a refill. Call Member Services to see if you can get a 30-day emergency prescription refill of your maintenance medicine now.
- If you need to go to a different pharmacy because of Hurricaine Ian, call Member Services, and we’ll help you get your refill at a different location.
Have the medical supplies you need
Case managers can help you get the items you need like durable medical equipment or finding personal attendant services (PAS).
We can get you ready by finding another treatment site before or after an event, such as a dialysis center or new pediatric
Case management
MMA: 1-844-406-2396 (TTY 711)
LTC: 1-877-440-3738 (TTY 711)
FHK: 1-844-405-4298 (TTY 711
It’s easier than you think to be ready
Keep your health in mind by knowing:
• What you can prepare ahead of time like lists of important phone numbers and medications
• What to take with you if you have to go, such as your filled prescription medications and important documents
What you need to know – in your phone
Take some of the stress out of an emergency situation. Store the important numbers you might need in your phone now.
Member Services
- Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) - 1-844-406-2396 (TTY 711)
- Florida Healthy Kids (FHK) - 1-844-405-4298 (TTY 711)
- Long Term Care (LTC) - 1-877-440-3738 (TTY 711)
24-hour Nurse Helpline
- SMMC - 1-844-406-2396 (TTY 711)
- Florida Healthy Kids (FHK) - 1-844-405-4298 (TTY 711)
- Behavioral Health - 1-844-375-7215
Primary care provider (PCP)
Any specialists you see
Your pharmacy - You can also store a list of your medications under this number for quick reference.
Your veterinarian’s office - Get in touch quickly if your pet gets sick or injured, or if you’re separated from your furry loved one
Ready to go? Things to have handy if you have to leave in a hurry
Got your “go bag” ready?
A list of your prescription medications
Filled prescription medications
Over-the-counter medicines like pain reliever, antacids, vitamins and more
Glasses and contact lens solution
Baby formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream
Feminine supplies
Personal hygiene items
Pet food, bowls and any medications